
  • Lytty
  • Aug 13,2024
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10 critical points, every Ecommerce business owner should know

Nowadays, a new business is popping around every corner, whether it be online or around every street corner. But when it comes to an e-commerce business, the competition is higher as the e-commerce platform is effective, and you can start one with just a few taps on any platform. Every single one of us wants to get more traffic and conversion. Even at times, with the best marketing tactic and sound strategy, it could be demanding and challenging.

When you are a beginner with not much base in marketing, yet you are thriving with good and steady revenue, the next thing you should focus on is how to take your business to the next level by boosting your marketing efforts.

So when it comes to driving your business, it is vital to know these essential marketing tools and retail customer relation management.

1.Keep it real

Now you might have invested in a good website, but the key to evolving it is to have a content strategy and keep it a top priority when it comes to marketing. Trust me, people on the internet are looking for something fresh and enticing, and if you have some original content, I'll say money is on your table faster than you think. If your brand has engaging and well-written content, that could generate good customer traffic and get a great customer base, which can be used to get more sales. It's essential to have an effective content strategy rather than just following the lead of what others do. And with the help of insights from effective retail CRM tools and retail analytics, you can create content that can particularly appeal to your customers and potential customers. To have a good marketing tactic for any thriving business is to have well-performing original content which is creative, high quality, and unique.

2.The key is to market your content

There are other things you should focus on when it comes to growing your business; not just having astonishing content and good branding is enough. The key is to know how to effectively market your content so that your efforts will be shown in sales. So what you need for more visitors to your website are good content marketing skills.

Please note that it takes time to get effective results, so don't expect your content to go viral overnight. Even with all the right strategies or techniques to get the best outcome is through consistency and waiting until everything falls into place.

Make sure that your marketing tactic and the content are closely tied to your products.

Invest in a good SEO expert and social media expert to optimize your content, be consistent, and do promote your content once it is posted.

3.Enhance your website performance

New-age e-commerce brands have a personalized approach, and it reflects what the brand stands for may it be in terms of websites that look minimalist, vibrant, or aesthetic that defines the brand, the animation, content, and unique colors. The most effective way to have this kind of website is to switch to a website layout containing UI/UX qualities that can efficiently navigate your customers easily towards buying what they love.

The factor we should focus on is the website performance and make sure to thoroughly test the website by running multiple tests, mainly focusing on crucial parts of your website layout, language, and content placement.

4.Social Media is a treasure trove for the e-commerce industry

If you are a beginner looking to start your business, the most vital and free tool is right in your hands. Social Media has become a part of the e-commerce industry, whether in terms of introducing a product or marketing it. Social Media has become a platform where you can easily communicate and interact with your customers, influencers, and clientele.

As it has a broader audience, you can easily find your customer base with drive engagement. You can come up with creative posts, let it be images, videos, or short interactive clips, and use tools that can promote and boost traffic to your page leading you to find your customer base.

5.Email marketing is still in the biz

Don't ever think that e-mail marketing is out of the e-commerce industry. The best way to keep the existing customer engaged is through effective e-mail marketing. Your customers can interact with you even without realizing it, and this helps as a reminder to your one-time customer to revisit your website after seeing your mail. Most e-commerce websites still use email marketing to promote their special sales and deals and promote their product. It is also the best way to personalize your marketing content and indulge your existing customers. Now the email market is not just for sending promotional material alone, so include your e-mail address in all your promotional emails and urge your clientele to interact with you. An effective retail CRM tool can help you track your potential customer's journey. CRM analytics can guide you to take informed decisions in designing personalized messages.

6.Organic results= SEO

If you are looking for an organic result and still haven't optimized your website and content with SEO or search engine optimization, I say that you take the steps now. This modern marketing strategy has proved one of the best ways to grab your customers' attention. Ok, what it does is it measures your website with a google algorithm and helps your customers to find you easily. Enhance your website with content with SEO, including keywords to be easily navigated to your site. If you are looking for an organic result, a blog is the best way to achieve it. You can include a blog on your e-commerce website and include a blog post containing quality articles rich in keywords for each product.


Pay per click is a combination of inorganic and organic marketing tactics that can generate leads from a customer who prefers your brand. This is the simplest trick in the book to generate inorganic lead. The ad setup is in a way that can pay only when someone clicks your ad.

PPC mainly have a two-part an ad also a landing page, and the ad should attract your customer enough to click on them; most of the time, it is a sale, reward, or an offer; on clicking on the link, it redirects to the landing page where they either give a voucher that they can utilize in their website.

8.Utilize different storefront platform

Now, don't think your customer will buy from your website alone. If they find a similar option on amazon or Flipkart, they tend to browse there. So an ideal option is to study approximately which platform your clientele prefer and make multiple e-commerce accounts and learn which is profitable. You can check out directly with your customers on their preferences and how they found your store.

There are still no results, even from different web storefronts; this means your marketing strategy is not good enough or it's not working. So do invest in paid ads, or make sure to do your research on each storefront SEO and come up with a better plan.

9.Embrace user-generated content

This is the prominent SEO trend. User-generated content directly reaches out to you from your customer, may it be a review or testimonial. As most of you are unaware, a review from a third party is very valuable to SEO, but if that review is generated on your website, this will increase your website's reputation and ranking. To make it more useful, I would say you can include product reviews, where the customers can share their honest opinions as this can help future customers.

10.Use most effective - A

You can have all the above mentioned done right and still fail at keeping up customers, because none of them is enough to keep a relationship with customers.

A CRM tool is a plug-in that can track your customers without invading their privacy. As the term Customer Relationship Management suggests, CRM is a tool that can help understand your customer base and their journey better and keep a healthy relationship with them. You must have received birthday wishes or personalized offers from brands you follow. Ever wondered how? Answer is right here - A Customer Relationship Management System. In a simple sense CRM is a technology-driven tool that can manage your relationship with customers and potential customers. You can stay connected with your customer base effortlessly. A sophisticated Retail CRM software like Lytty  can do magic for your business.

A retail CRM can manage your contact with customers and record each customer's behavior and shopping pattern. A retail CRM continuously collects data and analyzes them. The insights can help you in making informed decisions and build your brand.



With the changing world, it is best to keep up with changes in marketing trends, but reaching out to your customers and keeping them engaged is the best strategy to drive results. A bit of customer engagement, a bit of paid advertising, a bit of personalized communication, and some productive advertising methods go hand in hand for a successful business.