
  • Retailbean
  • Aug 13,2024
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Pampering Customers is the best way to make them happy ?

Pampering Customers is the best way to make them happy ?

Pampering for a good cause !

When we hear the word “Pampering” , the first feeling what it comes to our mind is a negative emotion.    We have heard from childhood that, we should raise our kids without pampering them, right ?.  But, Human psychology experts says that, self pampering is a way of positive recharging of self.  Each person have different ideas on how they like to be pampered.   Some one will feel like self pampered with a hot coffee, or red wine every night before bed, or someone will feel it when they go for shopping for the whole day, or spending time at SPA.    Underlining factor here is, every individual will be happy to get pampered.     Pampering will bring in a positive energy in a way, which might influence the purchasing decision positively.

In business world, pampering your customer is not a negative word, but its one of the ways in which organisations are recognising their customers for the contributions they made and appreciate them for that.    If one needs to recognise and appreciate a customer, the retail organisation needs to know the purchasing behaviour of the customer.  Along with that, if the decision makers can know their customers preferences, interests, likes and dislikes etc., it will help them to give a very personalised way of appreciation with gifts and offers.    Hence its important to get each and every detail of your customers (by considering the privacy factor) and start analysing each and every aspect before approaching a customer with personalised messages.

If you can mine your data, and find the top contributors, or potential customers, Retail businesses can go extra mile to make them happy.  For doing this, you need to make sure that you have a perfect Retail CRM system in place to capture and analyse these data and use it effectively

Some of the Steps Retail Businesses can consider for making the customer happy are :

Measure the profitability of each customer :

One of the best ways to roll out programs to make your selected customers happy, is to first identify who are all those customers to be targeted.  With a Cloud based Retail CRM, you can clearly segment your customers in to different baskets on the basis of profitability they bring in to your table.    For doing this, You need to seamlessly integrate all your customer touch points and analyse your data, and create a new segment of customers who needs to be considered for your special personalised marketing initiatives.

Check how loyal the customer are and act accordingly :

If you run a Retail loyalty program for your customers, this Cloud based loyalty application will help you to identify who are the loyal customers who are more trustworthy and have high Life time value.    These customers can be segmented with the help of Retail CRM on cloud, and can be considered for special marketing initiatives

Understand the customer needs along with Purchase history :

There are many times when the customer purchasing behaviours alone is not enough to understand better on your customers .    Retail business houses need to invest time and energy in creating a system which will grab specific needs of customers  in person or through some intelligent system.   One of the best way to grab these additional details is to empower your Staff to get such data in between the conversations, and update it in your Cloud Retail CRM against each customer.   If you do this continuously, after some time, you will have rich pool of data about customer, which is generated form casual discussions.   Analyse these data and consider these while segmenting the customer with personalised marketing messages.   Eg: If you know that “Customer A” likes Cricket a lot and his favourite bats man in Sachin, you can mark it and you can give inputs on Sachin’s record breaking moments to your customers, which will make the customer happy.

Design great customer services process :

Your Retail CRM process should have a customer service / query management process in such a way that,  customer will feel comfortable and they get their answers in the shortest span of time.    In case of complaints,  if the customer is a premium customer, it has to be dealt with professionally and quickly.    Customer Support / service process so important in any Retail industry , that it is capable of creating make or break situation in Customer retention process.   Hence Design a fool proof process for Customer support in your Cloud Retail CRM, that it best suits your customers.

Include your valuable customers in your new product journey :

Customers are not only your revenue generating engines, but they are good source of innovative ideas.   You can make a customer happy by involving them in your new product innovation or new product launch, that they feel as recognised from your organisation.     Plan some free new product sample as a product launch function to all your Premium customers.   Take their suggestions and opinions to improve your product quality, and make them as part of your organisation.

Be helpful rather than exploiting them : 

Instead of considering your customer as a milking cow, Always take an approach that, you are helping your customers to solve some of their genuine concerns.   Means, your product or service should really help them to overcome some of the challenge, and to make sure that they are sticking on to you for long time.       By doing so, you create a win-win situation which will create a long lasting customer relationship and improve your profitability

Hyper personalisation is the new way of pampering

Now with advanced technology, and new cloud based Retail CRM software, personalisation has gone in to a new level, where instead of a mere personalisation, it has moved to Hyper personalisation.  Means, no matter you handle 1000 customers or 1 million customers, your Cloud based Retail CRMs will be able to give you inputs in minute details on the behavioural pattern, Market basket analysis, Customer ranking, Competitor analysis , cluster analysis, Trend analysis etc.,  This will help you to design your customer interaction policy with highly reliable data and make them happy in each and every transaction.

If you are in to Retail business, and looking for improving your customer satisfaction level, do get in touch with our Retail CRM Experts at