
  • Lytty
  • Aug 13,2024
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Improve visibility of Customer activity with Realtime Customer 360 degree view!

See how the LYTTY Customer Engagement and Analytics platform for Retail businesses helps!

Welcome back to “LYTTY” - The simple to use but comprehensive Customer Engagement and analytics platform for Retail businesses!

You have already seen how LYTTY can help aspiring retailers understand customer behaviour and create strategies around that to improve their Retail businesses. ( if missed out click here to access blog on understanding how to improve business with high customer retention rate ).

LYTTY is a powerful yet user-friendly customer engagement and analytics tool designed specifically for retail businesses. By using LYTTY, the effective customer experience platform, aspiring retailers can gain a better understanding of the customers' behaviour and create effective strategies to boost their business.

In the case of the hair care products retail business, you have seen how LYTTY could help overcome the challenge of low customer retention rates. By analysing customer data in real-time, LYTTY the prime customer engagement platform identifies patterns and trends in customer behaviour like their purchase history, frequency of visits, and preferences. This information can then be used to create personalised marketing campaigns and promotions that are tailored to the needs and interests of each customer segment.

We've already covered the initial approach of "Customer Delight". Let's now explore developing a strategy that centers on gaining better know-how of your customers - The Customer 360 degree view!

In the retail industry, many businesses lack complete visibility into their customers’ experience. Obtaining a comprehensive "Customer 360 degree" view can be highly beneficial in understanding your customers' needs from diverse angles.

What is a Customer 360 degree view?

In essence, a 360-degree view refers to a holistic approach that enables companies to create a connection with their customers based on experience, fostering long-term relationships and positive endorsements. It involves collecting and utilising data from various touchpoints in the customer's journey to gain a comprehensive understanding of their behaviour and preferences.

To achieve a customer 360 degree view, organisations must prioritise and establish structured data tracking systems. Apart from this, every department, from marketing to sales to customer service, must participate in the collection, analysis, and response to customer data.

The main points to note are:

  1. Purchasing behaviour – It refers to the products that a customer tends to buy and their preferred channels of purchase, which may include e-commerce websites, physical stores, franchises, and other outlets. Information on the most frequently purchased products by customers is also included here.
  2. The Customer 360 degree view enables users to retrieve various insights about a customer from multiple sources of interactions, which can be grouped and viewed together.
  3. By analysing the type of communication preferred by a customer, be it email, Whatsapp, or SMS, businesses can customise their communication strategy for each customer.
  4. The Customer 360 degree view displays key demographic details of a customer, including their interests, location, income group, and family information, which can be used to plan personalised campaigns.
  5. An advanced Customer 360 degree dashboard may have a Customer score, which is generated through a complex AI algorithm and provides insights into the customer's significance.

Understanding the complete view of a customer in the Customer 360 degree can enable you to gain deep insights into their preferences, which can facilitate customising your marketing campaigns to suit each individual customer. Businesses can take findings and map a future relationship with data from the past and present behaviours of a customer. It is also plausible to predict if there are upsell or cross-sell opportunities with digital intelligence.

With our user-friendly customer engagement platform LYTTY there's no need for coding. Just plug and play with well-known Ecommerce & Retail platforms.

Send us an email at sales@ & learn more about our services.

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